Monday, May 19, 2014

Eternal Redemption by Paul A. Wunderlich

I received a ecopy of Eternal Redemption from in exchange
for an honest review. 

What happens when one's wish for eternal lfe and ultimate power is granted?
Mr. Wunderlich is a wonderful story teller. Léssemnos had a wonderful life and a
wife that truly loved him, but he was never satisfied and made a life altering decision. There were times when I felt pity for Léssemnos and hopeful.  Eons later he is now King Deathenor and has his dreams fulfilled, yet something is still missing.

I don't want to give any spoilers.
He makes another deal with the devil. The outcome is just as expected, for one who makes a deal with the devil.

I would highly recommend this story and look forward to reading more from this author.


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