Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Boy from the Woods by Jen Minkman

I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

The first half of the book seemed to drag. Some of the scenes
and conversations didn't really add to the flow of the story. I had
a hard time relating to the heroine Julia and her "infatuation" with
Michael. There were times when I wanted to stop reading, because
I couldn't see where the story was headed.

The second half of the book was amazing. The pace picked up and I 
could't wait to turn the page to see what would happen next. The beautiful 
ending brought tears to my eyes. I'm happy that I pushed forward. 

3 1/2 Stars

1 comment:

  1. So glad the second half of the book was so awesome. Too bad the beginning of the book wasn't a little shorter. :) Glad you were happy that you read the whole book. Thanks for sharing.


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