Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Review- Broken Banners by Mark Gelineau and Joe King

I received an ARC of Broken Banners from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed the first book A Reaper of Stone and could not wait to read the next book in
the series. I was not disappointed. The authors packed a lot of punch into this novella. The 
characters are very well developed, the scenery is vivid and the battle scenes are descriptive
and well written. I love the relationship between the main characters Elinor, Aldis and Con. 
Elinor is a fierce warrior who is protective of her brothers and sisters. Con is as loyal and faithful 
as they come. Aldis is a complex character that struggles with his desire to succeed through 
any means necessary and living up to the expectations placed on him by Elinor. The story 
has treachery, backstabbing and a hint of magic. 

I would highly recommend this story and look forward to reading more from these authors.

5 out of 5 STARS

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